Hartland Primary School

    1. News
    2. Flu Vaccination

    Flu Vaccination

    30 September 2020 (by admin)

    Letter sent direct to parents re flu vaccinations

    We have been made aware late yesterday that a letter is being sent to all parent/carers of children eligible for the flu nasal vaccination. Today parents have already started to receive these letters and it is causing some confusion around the process of consent. We would like to reassure parents that at this time they don’t need to bring these letters and as long as they have completed the consent link provided by Virgin Care Services then their child will be vaccinated at the planned school session on 11th November 2020.
    Any changes to this process will be clearly communicated from ourselves if/when changes are made.
    This is not something we have control of locally, it is a national NHS drive to ensure parent/carers of all eligible children are aware of the flu vaccination programme.
    The vaccination is available for all children from Reception to Year 6, if you have not already registered then please follow the link.